We’ll All Go Down Like Empires
We’ll all go down like empires
And burn to ash and dust,
For nothing is eternal
No matter how robust.
Rome thought they were forever
Standing strong like olive trees,
But as they’d done to Carthage
They burned while they were seized.
Poempii crumbled in a day
When Mount Vesuvius erupt.
Ashes piled on the city and
It was never recunstruct.
Persepolis though themselves mighty
And a mighty city they were,
So to see it burn so easily
Was a shock to all the world.
Urs death was not as quick as most
As the city dwindled from neglect.
All the wars, famines, and drouts
Left the city in a wreck.
The Akkadian empire was
The first empire that we know,
And it wasn’t only war that killed them
But the drouts and plants that wouldn’t grow.
We’ll all go down like empires,
And the greatest cities of the world,
For if even they can fall
There is nothing eternal.