Submitted by The Author

"You'd have to be an absolute fool to believe that!"

Write a story of less than 500 words containing this line.

In The Garden

Early autumn had arrived and Izzy was in her garden picking tomatoes and dreaming of romance. Normally, Izzy had to stay inside because of an illness that didn’t welcome the heat, which was no longer a problem now that summer was over.

The illness Izzy battled was multiple sclerosis which had drained her self esteem Her old friends had abandoned her because of her inability to go places. Izzy also battled pain.That was why it felt like such a relief when her neighbor initiated a wave.

Selma was rejoicing over the idea of this woma next door and that her neighbor might become a friend. Not having time to relish this thought, her husband had crept up and was giving Izzy a look of distain His eyes were cold and disapproving.

Izzy was waiting for a snide comment when he said,”Only a fool would have this dinky garden.”

Izzy felt hot with embarrassment, feeling like a dumb first grader. Then from the corner of her eye. She saw her neighbor waving again

Not just a wave, Her neighbor. Whose name Izzy didn’t know, grinned and hollered,

“I’m having a back yard coffee tomorrow morning. It’s about time we meet you. See you there I hope.

Suddenly, Izzy looked at her husband who was still glaring at her, and told him,

“Only a fool would say what you said. I’ve listened to you long enough. I’m ready to live… like me or not. I don’t need you put downs.”

Epilogue. Izzy joined an abuse group that helped her with housing She also got a grant to return to school. Today, with support, including her wealthy neighbor, Izzy got her degree as a therapist who empowers the disabled. She bought a little house and likes who she is.

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