Write a story where the central theme is impatience.
The Impatient Lives
For most people Life is nothing more than periods of waiting followed by a disappointment. Take that couple across the street as an example. I happen to know they are engaged. So happy for them and yet they are stressed beyond belief. Look at her — bags under her eyes, no smile, frazzled hair. This isn’t because she doesn’t love him. She couldn’t be more in love. But…she’ll be happy once she’s married.
Look over there it’s Mike the butcher. He just paid off his building. Did he celebrate? Yeah, sure he had a sale for his customers, but you know what he says to me after gettin’ the deed in the mail? He says, “Donny, I just went a looked at a place on the east side. I’m gonna setup Mike’s Second Place over there.”
I’m beginning to think that we humans are incapable of true contentment. Most of us have no idea how to bask in the beauty of Now. Now is something we can never get back and yet it’s something we always have — untils we don’t. But I ain’t talkin’ about death here.
Look. What do I know? I’m just a jerk who sits on a bench and talks to every person in this neighborhood as they go about their lives. I just find it funny…no. Why do people say they find things funny when they really mean it’s fucking depressing. I find it fucking depressing that most of them walk around here in a perpetual state of impatience. They deny themselves the right to be happy or content with what they have now. They wouldn’t even know how to start enjoying the process of getting something or somewhere. It’s always eye on the prize and heads down until they get it. Then when they do get it, almost immediately their gaze moves to the next prize. Then they work impatiently waiting for the next prize so they can find the next.
For most people life is impatience.
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