Inspired by Aubrey

Describe an alien species which has inhabited earth.

As well as describing their physical appearance, try to find interesting and unusual aspects of this species that you could include. Perhaps their movement, their language, their living habits; anything that can be described in high detail.

Notes From An Ape

I saw another one today. Unlike the other sightings,this one was alone. It wandered the forests in its two feet, it was mostly hairless spare for its animal hides which it wore about its torso like some creul trophy. The strange thing about these alien creatures is that they don’t seem to be particularly good at anything. They can’t swim particularly well, they can fly but only for the few fleeting seconds it takes for them to reach the ground and from then on they just lie motionless on the floor. Not only that but they seem to lack the evolutionary adaptations that allow them to do anything in fact this is so bad that it has forced them to make their own tools out of rocks and twigs to compensate for their useless alien bodies. From my previous observations, I have noticed that these terrestrial creatures are very sociable and appear to be enchanted by this warm bewitching light they call fire. Their day revolves around it- they soak their food in it, they sleep by it they even sing and dance for it. These aliens are truly strange and remarkable, I hope one day they will show their true purpose on our planet.
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