Write a short story that follows an archaeologist excavating a city 500 years from now.

What has lasted 500 years, and what hasn’t? What do they discover, and what goes unfound?

After The Collapse

I didn’t know places like these could still even exist, but here one is just sitting underneath layers of grime. It’s been reclaimed by nature now, as is the way of the world. The colony on Mars will love this discovery. A pre-collapse city is rare to find nowadays, especially one of this stature. There’s not much of it left, but some stone patterns are poking from the ground yet. Steel and plaster are hidden deep in the ground, the evidence of human’s failure buried six feet under.

I can’t tell them this is here. They’ll want to fly back down and rebuild. Start over again on Earth. Destroy it again. I won’t let them.

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