Write a scene where something chaotic is happening.
Mind Palace
Everything is so loud. I can’t stop thinking. My thoughts are racing by me and I can’t seem to hold on to any. There are too many things to think and to stress about. I can’t help returning to the phrase: so many things to do, but so little time to do it. I have work to do, hobbies I want to pursue, and a future to stress about. I never know what to focus on. It’s always one thing at a time, but will I ever be able to reach the point of not having anything. Just silence. No work, nothing to do at all. I can’t trust myself to drown in my thoughts so I drown them out with other things. Music, reading, art, TV, YouTube—whatever I can get my hands on to distract me from…everything. Based on this, you’d think I’d like silence, boredom, to have nothing to do. But, no, that just makes everything seem louder than it already is. Sometimes, my mind feels like a prison. I feel trapped by the noise I can never escape. I’m stuck, always stuck in this cycle of noise and stress with only moments of distraction before I am thrown in the cycle again. I want to escape—runaway from everything, but that would just create more problems and stress and noise. I can’t deal with that. I don’t-I don’t know what to do. My kind seems so all consuming, so loud. It surrounds me and drowns me in its noise. Any yet, reality would still mock the mind for its tameness.
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