'The old bookstore had always been my escape, but today it felt different, almost magical...'

The Chosen Princess

The same wooden frame, rustic shelves, soft music, lively plants. Every familiar comfort of my beloved bookstore except this distinguished feeling I couldn’t figure out.

Usually on tough days I find solace within the romance section. So that’s where I went firstly. A velvety red spine with fancy lettering caught my eye. “The chosen princess” is what it read. I’ve never been into fantasy but the little girl in me beckons me to at least admire the cover. Who am I to say no to that? I gently pull the heavy book off the shelf and into both hands. “Wow,” I mouth. It has unexpected weight but the intricate crown design on the cover makes up for it. Feels like it hasn’t been opened in ages I think as I flip through. I shrug and set it back in it’s place but the moment I let go the lettering on the spine glows. Bright and gold it shines. My hand freezes. Stunned. The shelf starts to tremble. I shriek. Books go tumbling but the velvet book stays put as the lettering continues to grow brighter. Blinded. My eyes water and I shield my face. My day is just FANTASTIC. I needed more ridiculousness to finish it off.

Once the glistening behind my fingers are gone I slowly bring my hand back to my side. Weird. There’s no mess… and no book? I start scanning the shelves for the mysterious book. Nothing. That’s more than enough for me to handle today so I lock up shop and head to my car. I drive my small pearly SUV back to my apartment and fish for the keys in my purse that I set beside me. Once I get up to the apartment, the door is cracked open. Did I forget to shut it? Nothing seems out of place stepping in. Except that red velvety book sitting on my coffee table opened to the first page. Panic rises within me because clearly I have a stalker, so slamming my door and closing the blinds seemed like the right thing to do. I turn on the lamp beside my couch and peer over the book.

The first page reads, “Victoria Lane, the one I’ve traveled time to find. I’ve sent this book of magic for you. You may not know us but we know you. You’re a prophesied princess chosen by the gods to save our fallen kingdom. When you’re ready, follow the instructions on the next page and the book will take you back to me. I need you Victorica. My parents are dead so I have a weight I cannot bear alone. Sincerely, prince Axton.

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