It’s You

Our story starts in a world, similar but also unlike ours. This world allows people to have powers the regular world doesn’t. The particular power we’re discussing today is the ability to know when you’ve met your soulmate. In this world, when you have seen your soulmate, you automatically love them and choose them. The majority of the population of people in this world don’t have an issue with it and abide by it. But there are a couple who were born without this ability and that causes problems. They’re only able to know their soulmate when their souls are finds them. Sometimes they accept it but sometimes they choose to be rebels and dismiss their soulmate. Now that you know a little about this world I have a story.

Hi, I’m Charlotte Walters, Junior in high school and I’m one of the 200 people in my world to not be able to know my soulmate. It was figured out from an early age when I showed interest in boys, but not one particular, I had big crushes on all of them. That’s an abnormal thing where I live. Because of this, I’ve decided I get to decide who I’m gonna be with because I probably won’t meet my soulmate anyway.

I have a boyfriend named Jackson who is also part of the 200 people who cannot know his soulmate. His was figured out after he had multiple girlfriends. Although that can be chosen to do so when you have the power it usually isn’t. Jackson is also a Junior in high school, and we’ve decided since we cannot tell our real soulmates anyway that In a way makes us soulmates. I just hope my one with the power never finds me so I don’t have to dismiss him. That sounds like a lot of work.

Today is the start of the second semester of school. I didn’t see Jackson all Christmas break because he went on vacation. It was wonderful that he was back because I don’t really have any other friends. “Hey Charlie,” said Jackson, smirking a little. He was leaned up against his locker. “Hey Jack its great to see you again, how was vacation?” I asked eagerly. “Fantastic actually, but I need to talk about something,” he said, with his smile fading. Suddenly I felt a rush of nerves hit my body, wondering what was about to go wrong. “I met a girl while I was there and immediately she clicked and well we’re soulmates,” he said in one breath, breathing out heavily at the end. Suddenly the sadness and disappointment consumed my body and I felt my lower eyelids begin to fill with tears; I didn’t blink so they wouldn’t fall. “-I thought you were like me,” I shakily said, becoming more vulnerable as my words came out of my mouth. “I though so too... but meeting Sarah was just a whole other experience,” he said smiling. The pit in my stomach was so heavy I couldn’t bare it. I turned around and make a bee line for the bathroom, locking myself in a stall to cry.

As days went on I became lonely and began to miss every aspect of Jackson. His shaggy dark brown hair, his green eyes that could enchant you, the way he smirked when thinking. And the more I saw others meet their soulmates the more I was disgusted and detested the idea. I spent my days alone, letting silence consume me.

After a couple months I felt myself enough to go out one morning. So Wednesday morning of the first week in March I went to the café on the square. I pulled my curly blonde hair into a messy bun and wore a white cardigan paired with a black mini skirt and baby blue vans. I put my earbuds in for the walk and turned on my favorite song. Arriving, I went straight to the counter. A young boy, probably of my age was working. He had dirty blonde hair and big blue eyes. He made eye contact with me. “I’d like a chocolate latte with extra whipped cream and for my add in I’ll have strawberries,” I said grabbing my cash out of my wallet. “It’s you,” he said, not listening to a word I said. “What’s that supposed to mean,” I replied a bit ticked off. “You’re my soulmate,” he said, astonished. My whole body went numb and I ran, ignoring his yelling at me.

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