Submitted by Emotional Goblin.
A simple game of hide and seek becomes much more horrific when a kidnapper joins the game.
How will your characters uncover what's happening, and face the situation?
Run, or he’ll catch you.
There we were, in a dark eerie corridor. Simon called out, “1..2…”. I ran, hid down under the creaky, vintage, dusty chair. I held my breath to make it easier for myself to not be caught. Of course, I thought he’d find me quickly. I mean he’s a pro at this game. Simon called out “3.., i’m coming for you!”. There it was, silent yet audible footsteps. The wooden boards creaking, and the moon shining through. He stumbled upon a dark door, gold frame wrapping around it. He slowly opened the door, whispering, “Andres..where are you?”. Of course he did it to mock. However what completely caught me off guard was the glass vase falling, catching both our attentions. How could it be possible..? It was only Simon and me playing..? In a worried tone, he called out “Andres? That’s not funny man.” Before I even spoke up in defiance, a shadow appeared in front of me. A man in a black hoodie, shushing me. The blood left my face so fast as I saw the knife he held in his hand, my face turning pale and my body beginning to tremble. From afar, I hear simon, “Andres??! This isn’t funny anymore!”. In a rush, I decide to get up but it didn’t last long before I was punched to the gut, quickly being dragged away by the masked man. “Simon..” I mumble before my vision grows blurry and my eyes close.