
He was just a young boy… he said to himself after taking the life of a child. James sobbed as he felt the guilt tremble down his brain. “Why did i have to do this!” James cried out. It was his son that was taken that night on that building.

“What happened!” Mary cried out as she saw her son paralyzed in the hospital bed. The doctor said “he fell from a 69,000 foot building. We cant save him, he will die soon.” Mary cried out “no my son!!! I can’t with this! Please take my pain away!” James cried quietly, ‘how could I explain this to my wife. There’s no way she would like me for this.’ James thought, he knew his only plan was to expose his meanings. He tried to save him but he was too late, he choose to save the city… not his son. After a swift moment Dallas flatlined and it was over.

“How could you do this!” Mary yelled, you could here her earth shattering scream from the whole hospital. “Honey, it goes deeper than our son falling from a building, it goes like this.

“It was a normal night, just getting home from a long day at work when my other job called. I had to leave and I left our son alone, he’s 15 he can handle himself. So I thought. I met with the customer and there i saw my son, getting into a ambulance.” James said, hoping to not draw to much attention to his secret life. “Thats not true” Mary called out, “your vouce gets all deep when you lie! Like when you cheated on me! Is this another woman of yours you’ve been hiding?!” She said, demanding for a answer. James knew that he had to tell her his job, even if it meant divorce. “Well Mary, I must say you are a good detective. But no i am not cheating, i made that clear since you found out. I… I am a-“ he struggled to find the words. “What some could call a superhero, i guess.” He said. He didn’t know what to say… he just felt gutted. “What? How does this play into anything?” Mary asked, she had a numb expression on her face while staring at James. James knew she wasn’t raging angry anymore, but he felt better. “Honey, did you sacrifice our son to save the town like those badass super movies?” Mary asked. “Yes i did…” James replied.

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