Inspired by Kail Cleo
Create a story by writing multiple diary entries from your character (or multiple characters intertwined).
Try to make each entry build from the last to add to the storyline. If you switch perspective, make it clear that it's someone else's journal.
Take the Blame
(10/4/22) Dear Diary,
Louisa Fish did something absolutely horrible today. She ratted me out for something I did not do. That was Thomas! My twin brother. I know it wasn’t Tom’s fault, but if everyone thinks it was, it would be the death of him. So I took the blame….and that resulted in suspension. Mom’s going to be SOOOOO mad.
(10/4/22) Dear Diary,
Mom got so mad at….ME. I thought everyone thought it was Trevor’s fault. I mean, he’s always the troublemaker in the family. Although, that’s probably why I did it. I wish I could tell you why or what, but that’s for someone else to tell you another day. If I told you and mom found it, she’d murder me. So now, she has to call the school and tell them that Trevor didn’t do it and that I did.
Always the good one,
(10/4/22) Dear Diary,
Tinley here. Mom was SUPER mad at Thomas when they got home from school. I’m so glad I get home before the twins, because it gives me time to escape before one gets in trouble. I wish Dad was still here. He’d help us so much. Trevor…..he’s always been troublesome, but these past few years…’s been different. He’s not as busy anymore, almost like he doesn’t have any friends. By troublesome, I mean he “acts cool” by littering and horsing around with his friends.
Tom, however….he doesn’t act like that. He’s never acted like this before. Toilet papering the principal’s house and trashing her yard. Then, of course, being the amazing overprotective brother he is, Trevor took the blame. The annoying thing is, Tom WANTED to be the person known for it, so he accidentally let it slip to me. And-I would never tell the boys this-I told Mom. I had to. I haven’t ever been able to get Thomas into trouble, so when I had the chance, I took it. And thank goodness I did.
(10/7/22) Dear Diary,
I’ve been let back in school. I was hoping to stay out for all three weeks, but NO. Tinley had to go tell Mom yesterday that I didn’t do it. I’ve gotten detention before, but never a suspension. I was really hoping that I could miss school for once. I rarely get sick during the school year, only the summer. Thomas was bummed that he had to miss school because he’s on the trivia team, and their big championship is next week, when he’s suspended. He’s out for Tinley now. I’ve been helping her “hide” from him, but she can’t anymore. He got her yesterday, and before he tried to strangle her, Mom caught him. So now he’s grounded. The nerd. Grounded.
I have no words. I’m in trouble, all thanks to my stupid younger sister. She’s literally 10! Why would she do this to me? My best friend Josh called me today….SHAMING me. Our trivia team’s championship is next week, and I won’t be there. I’m the best seventh grader on the team! Only six of us are allowed to sit at the table to compete, and four of our six are eighth graders. Me and Josh are the only non-eighth graders. We are in seventh and sixth. Now Myers Temple will have to fill in for me, and he is NOT as smart as me. Hopefully we at least get second or third. I’m not expecting first.
Thomas REALLY hates me today. His team just got first…..WITHOUT him. It just makes him feel like he’s worthless now. He gloated in the glory of being on the top six, but after this…..who knows if he will be anymore. And I feel like this is all my fault. I’m the worst sister ever.
My team……WON. Without ME. I can’t even show my face to them after that. I guess I’m not the smartest after all. This never would have happened if I hadn’t gotten jealous of Trevor. Now I feel horrible for how I treated my sister. I need to apologize. To the whole family.
I wish Thomas were in school right now. He’s nerdy, yeah, but a brother nonetheless. He’s always been my biggest fan-and friend. People haven’t been the nicest. Especially since what happened in my family. First dad leaving two years ago, then this incident. My friends aren’t my friends anymore, and they all hate me for trying to protect Thomas. “He can make it on his own” ; “let him take it, he did it after all”. No. They don’t understand. I stood up for him because he’s my brother. He may not have done it for me if I was in his position, but he would’ve in any other situation. We are brothers, and that’s what we do. -Trevor
I’m finally back in school! It’s been tough being away from everyone, especially my trivia team. However, I have noticed a change in Trevor recently. Everyone hates him, and they all give him dirty looks when he walks by. If that was because of me, I don’t want to be a part of this “cool squad” anymore. The only reason I TPed the principals house was because…..because of my brother. Because he was threatened to get seriously injured if I didn’t. So I had to. I did it out of love, and now everyone thinks it was for the wrong reasons. That’s what’s wrong with people. They always assume that people do things for themselves, and that’s sometimes true. But I didn’t. I did it for my twin brother’s safety. Because I love him.
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