Date Night Designs

Dan showed up to the cafe on 16th street for his coffee date with Jane wearing his new sweater that was black and red with the stripe down the middle of cotton studs that spelled the designers name like a blind person would read brail so Jane could feel how he had a taste for nice and expensive clothes. In reality Dan never heard of the designer before he just saw how big the price tag was and figured it would be great for his date with Jane. He accompanied the sweater with jeans where you could feel the waves of denim just by having them on, though when Jane ran her hand over his thigh she would feel denim dunes as if running her hand over a globe of the Sahara.

Dan didn’t wait too long before Jane entered the cafe wearing the smoothest looking silk like shirt that he couldn’t wait to run his hand over. Thinking it must be almost as smooth as her skin feels. He didn’t notice any designer name on the shirt spelled with studs, stones or waves and immediately felt like he went a little overboard himself until she walked up and he ran his hands over her pant legs. There he felt the fishnet brand name written repeatedly down the side in a raised material that felt very similar to her shirt.

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