"I wish...I wish..."

"Don't you dare say it!"

Continue this dialogue.


“I wish… I wish…” I started, the fire in my eyes unmistakable. “Don’t you dare say it!” Hissed Mom, staring daggers at me. “Why?” I asked, raising my eyebrows and tightening my grip on my bag. She pauses, tears filling her eyes. “Because sometimes you really do get what you wish for.” A single tear slides down her cheek and it’s then that I realize I know what I have to do. I gulp before I make my way towards the door, looking back at my mom. Her hair is stringy and caked with oil from night after night of not showering, which meant more time for her to cry. Her brown eyes are sad as she watches me open the door. But I know what I have to do. “I wish you would disappear,” I whispered, not realizing I was crying until a tiny drop landed on my exposed foot. A few seconds passed before my mother, the woman who raised me, the woman who eternally loved me and would always love me despite this, slowly dissolved into the air. The second before she disappeared forever, her lips moved one last time. “Wait you’ll never know-“ And then she was gone.
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