Making friends with the ghost in your attic brings you many benefits as well as faults.

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How To Live With A Ghost

Making friends with the ghost in your attic bring you many benefits as well as faults. The first thing you have to do is make contact. You need to make sure they know you don’t harbour ill will. Spirits feed off of any kind of energy, and for that matter people do too. Have you ever heard of the Native American proverb about whichever wolf you feed is the strongest. It’s depicted as a white wolf with black eyes circling a black wolf with white eyes. Just like Yin and Yang, and it is true. If you indulge the dark side that’s the side of you that will be stronger. So if you have a ghost friend and you bring nothing but negative energy around, you can make a Casper situation go to full-on poltergeist. NEVER promise your soul or you might not have a ghost but a demon on your hands. Ghosts usually have unfinished business and they ARE a soul, a trapped one. They stick around for many reasons not just unfinished business. I suppose in one shape or another its all really unfinished business. But they could want to stay around or keep an eye on their family or their beloved home. The benefits are pretty cool though if you can make contact and you’re sure its an actual ghost and not a demon. They can help make the connection for you to reach other sounds that have passed on, although its tough on the ghost they can only maintain a couple minutes to talk or they risk shredding their soul which causes madness. Madness occurs when a ghost cannot make connection, they cannot deal with their unfinished business or they are over used by. Human under force. There are spells to force a spirit to help you but its dark screwed up magic. No ones soul should be enslaved that doesn’t deserve it and people that he those spells don’t care about whos soul it is they’re enslaving. My buddy in the attic is my friend and I don’t need to talk to anyone on the other side. Im gonna help my ghost friend with their unfinished business . Pros and cons. Risks and rewards. Pluses and negatives. You roll the dice.