Write a story that could be titled 'Escape From the Sky Fortress'.
Escape From The Sky
“Hey!” The boy yelled, the corner of his eyes raised by the blowing winds, a grinning smile on his face.
“What?” The girl replied, flicking her wand, splashing spells to keep the wyverns away.
“I’m not afraid anymore!”
She turn back to the his face has closed up, his voice no longer hesitant.
“I like you.”
She was shocked. The wind’s howl must have deafened her ears, then:
“What in the god name was that?”
She start frantically hitting him. The wyverns close their distance. The ground is about to hit them.
Yet none of that seems to matter right now.
Their hair tangle.
The girl blushes, as red as the sunset.
“Didn’t know you can be embarrassed.” The boy smiles and was immediately hit with a smack on the forehead.
The girl looks intensely at him, it’s already too late to deal with floating and the wyverns at the same time.
Many thoughts ran through her head.
She suddenly hug him tight, just before their impact on the ground.
‘Maybe this is not so bad after all’ So she thinks.
Unbeknownst to her, in the palm of the boy’s hand is a cracked jewel.
As the wyvern knights watch, the pair disappeared in a sudden light, to a place where no one know.