Inspired by Robin Marlowe

Write a poem that contains a volta before the final line.

A volta is a twist, normally at the end of a sonnet. Rather than a plot twist, this is normally a change of ideas, an inversion of the main theme, or a change of heart about an opinion.

Broken Homes 

In the neighborhood of hearts, where love's streets wind,

We lay the bricks with care on solid ground,

Each house reflects the loving ties that bind,

Together building life where trust is found.

Laughter echoes through this warm expanse,

As children play and gardens come to life,

The sun casts down a gentle, golden glance,

On happy homes handbuilt by man and wife.

In every home, a story of its own,

With doors wide open, hopes and dreams collide.

The neighborhood where seeds have bloomed and grown,

And mended hearts beat freely, full of life.

But then, without a sign, the skies grow dark,

An angry force descends and twists with mite.

Uprooting us and shattering our hearts.

The homes we built are lost to the tornado's flight,

For in the neighborhood where our hearts reside,

Even the strongest bonds may be untied.

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