It had been a normal day, and that terrified her more than anything…
Continue this story. Why might a normal day for this character be such a horrifying prospect?
Normal Day
She slammed on the floor hitting her head.
Daily routine get up have breakfast change and get into the car.
A tremor went through her veins it did not feel right about driving to work.
Something terrified her.
An instinct of de ja vue of dread
This was if he no ordinary day she thought
But why driving was safe as hell
Same old boring routine
That was the point if it was boring and safe than something was wrong and dangerous
Life is simple
She had said something political online the trolls were everywhere and the that irritated her nerves
Hair was standing up palm was sweating breathing shallow pulse racing.
Calming herself with contemplation.
The driving did not feel right as she stated the ignition and drove down the high way.
Suddenly there there was an explosion
Cars crashed and people armed with machine guns came out and started shooting