A character who can see into the future is suddenly surprised by something.

If they know everything that will happen, what could have taken them by surprise?

Love And Pancakes

She was sore. She was tired. And she was angry. This morning had promised pancakes and long lie in the night before. Instead the morning delivered Alexander’s girlfriend showing up, an argument, and Estrella slipping out of Alexander’s back window. Estella was angry with herself. The campus was blue skies and fluffy clouds. People making better life choices hurried to classes. Squaring her shoulders, Estella slowed her stride. She breathed out her memories of her ex one more in a long line. Estella swayed into class, Aberrant Psychology. All her life Estella was hunting, hoping to meet the one, waiting for her gift to unfold. It had been easier when she was fourteen and could believe in true love with her whole heart. It had grown harder each year each day. Estella scoped for a good seat way in the back preferably behind a fat person. She needed sleep. Walking down the aisle was a thick blonde, buzz cut, no makeup, pillow lips, and shrouded in oversized sweats. Estella thought of summer warm grass and the first bite of pink cherries. They clasped hands and the smell of clean sheets fresh of a line flooded her. The woman exhaled and shivered. Suddenly Estella unfolded and she could see her first month with Chelsea her true love. Together she could see the future and Chelsea could read minds. Together holding hands separately they read the classroom recognizing how their gifts could be considered dangerous. “It’s Chelsea right let’s get the hell out of here?”
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