13 Years

Societal norms craft picturesque notions

Of love and a life worth living

While realities wane like the tides of the ocean

Hearts weaken from endless giving

Marriage, family and white picket fences

Illustrated with joy and contentment

Being normal used as empty defenses

All the while you brew with resentment

The love you received heals deeply cut wounds

Pain reduces beyond measure

Yet it isn’t enough to be swindled or swooned

Nor placated by gifts or pleasure

The idea of love being a chivalrous knight

Degrades all that love can be

For love should not protect you from freight

No, love should set you free

What is the difference between compromise and sacrifice?

How can you tell them apart?

When you stop seeing life through your own eyes

And must return back to the start

So many notions advertised as healthy

Begin splitting you at the seams

You are loved, successful and even wealthy

But not living the life of your dreams

Your truth, your future, your hopes, your needs

Withered away over time

But when stripped to your core with no one to please

You can finally live in your prime

Your time has come after 13 years

Nothing can stop you now

And though the truth may bring you to tears

The only question left is “how”

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