Submitted by an anonymous Daily Prompt user.
"It was all becoming real."
Use this as the closing line of a poem in any style.
Divine Love
In days of youth, when hearts were light,
Two souls entwined, their love took flight.
Their laughter echoed through the night,
Their hearts beating as one, a wondrous sight.
Their love was pure, their hearts so true,
Their bond so strong, their love shone through.
They danced beneath the stars so bright,
Their love, a beacon in the night.
Their love was like a work of art,
A masterpiece, a labor of the heart.
It filled their lives with joy and light,
A love that would last through all their might.
But alas, their love did fade,
Their hearts, we’re no longer in one another’s shade.
Their laughter silenced, their love did cease,
Their bond, a distant, faded peace.
Their love, a memory, so dear,
A love that will forever be near.
A love that will forever shine,
A love that was, once divine.