In a world where people don't have all their senses until they turn 18, your protagonist wakes up on their birthday to a whole new experience.
What will the protagonist feel for the first time? How can you describe this sense as if it's never been experienced before?
A Nightmare
All of us were born, with five senses, but in the first week of life, we are sent through the desensitization. It removes us of all of them and we are taught, they are privilege we will earn back when we are older.
I spent many years dreaming about what it would be like to feel these senses, it was all I wanted. Every birthday was another year closer to making the dream happened. Today I turned eighteen and today I went through the resensitizer, and when I came out it was not how I expected it to be. First was the sight, the world I believed to be a lush paradise, was actually a barren wasteland and the sun was bright ugly fireball.
Feeling was even worse, I could feel the heat scorching me and the itchy clothes that I had dressed myself in were smothering me. My feet touching the dirty ground made me feel dirty and disgusting.
When I arrived home, I got into the shower right away. The cold water felt like frozen ice cubes stabbing my skin and when a droplet touched my tongue.
The water tasted like poison, and made me nauseas. I got out and wrapped a towel around my body not wanting to put the uncomfortable clothes on that I was wearing earlier. I opened the fridge to try and see if any of this tasted better than poison that had slipped on my tongue. The scent filled my nostrils from the fridge and it was awful. I couldn’t breathe and quickly slammed the door shut and slid down on the ground.
I pulled out my little radio and decided to play some upbeat music that I heard people with the senses had loved so much. Within the first ten seconds I had to shut it off, it was like someone had shoved tiny sharp needles into my eardrum and I thought they might burst. My beautiful dream had actually turned into a nightmare. People had lied when they said it would be the best day of my life. It was the most torturous day. I wanted them to take me of my senses was again as little droplets of tears fell down from my eyes, I could taste putrid sour droplets.