Grave 397

I am dead. Before you ask not in the brain eating zombie type of way. I am a ghost and cursed to be so until i “fulfill my unfished purpose”. Which at first sounds nice but the only problem is i don’t know my purpose. Therefore here we are. Stuck in this dirty, old graveyard. Where no one visits and no one even knows exists. This shithole is completely isolated from the outside world. On a tiny island with no people, no houses and no connection to anywhere. You are probably asking how i ended up here. I wish i could tell you but i don’t remember anything about my human life. All i know the number on my gravestone “397” and the two dates “1901 to 1911”. Which i am guessing is my year of birth and death. One of the gravestones near the exit has a tiny shattered mirror. I only noticed it a few days ago but until now I haven’t plucked up the courage to look into it. I am afraid of what i will see. What if my face is as deformed as the rest of my body. Chunks of flesh are missing across my body and where my hands once were is covered in large blisters and scars. I know i am ugly. Need not a mirror to prove that. Pretty girls don’t wear raggedy medical gowns. I fear a lot of things but nothing as much as leaving the cemetery.

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