The Unknown.

I called and he came, the Great Dark One. After so many years, so much study of the ancient scrolls, here he finally was. Here I was, standing on the precipice of tomorrow, looking into the eyes of an ancient god. Iā€™m every fantasy my mind had created I knew exactly how to call to him, beg to him, and plead to him in my humble voice what he would do for me, his loyal servant; but in the reality of the moment, now that I was here, I could think of nothing.

It may have been the sheer awe of seeing him, the majesty of his great power, the enormity is the undertaking I found myself in, and yet I could not think of one desire or request to place before him. Did I want love? Absolute mayhem brought upon all those who had laughed at and wrong me in the past? Was it enormous wealth and fortune I Sought? I found myself not knowing.

I only found myself here at the edge of a cast ocean, looking into the abyss that were the eyes of this ancient being, this god, and I knew not what I would ask of him.

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