Through Your Eyes

They say college is the time to experience life, try new things, and meet new people. That's what you're supposed to do right? But what happens when you learn something about your best friend that could change their life forever? The person you've known since you were three years old. The person you swore you'd never keep secrets from. Do you tell them, or keep living the lie?

My name is Kaylee, I just turned nineteen and just started college. Nobody in my family has ever finished high school, so it's a pretty big deal for me. I always got excellent grades so it was no surprise that I got accepted into one of the top schools in my city. Not only that, but my best friend, Kelsey also got accepted. We were even roommates. It couldn't get any more perfect. Until the night that everything changed.

My family has always had this sort of ability. We can dive into the minds of people around us. It can be very stressful until you learn to control it, but quite useful once you do. For obvious reasons, we don't tell many people about this ability. Kelsey knows about it, but that's it. I have never kept any secrets from her. That changed after a long, stressful night of studying.

We had been cramming for finals for about a week and we were both so stressed out it was ridiculous. Normally I have a rule that I don't invade people’s minds without permission. It's invasive, so I've never been inside Kelsey’s mind, without her permission, and even with it, I've only done it a handful of times. I'm not sure if it was the stress of cramming for finals or lack of sleep, but somehow I found myself inside Kelsey’s mind. Something was different though.

Normally her thoughts were pretty basic, new clothes she wanted, information retained from studying, things like that, but this time it was much darker. Kelsey’s mind was filled with thoughts about killing me. Vivid thoughts and ideas of how she would do it, where she would dump my body and how she had actually hated me since we were about eleven years old. She even had a plan in place. She was actually planning to follow through with killing me! This girl, who had been my absolute best friend since age three, secretly hated me and wanted me dead, and even worse, she wanted to be the one to end my life!

I couldn't believe it. I started to hyperventilate, the room felt so small and I needed to get out. To get away from the monster formerly known as my best friend. How could she betray me like that? The past eight years of my life have been filled with the one person I thought I could trust being the one I should fear the most. I wanted to scream, but my mouth couldn't form words. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't go to the police because they would never believe me and since Kelsey had never done anything to me before I had zero proof.

I was outside trying to fight back tears from my eyes when I felt someone walk up behind me and place their hand on my shoulder. Startled, I spun around to see Kelsey standing in front of me with a concerned look. If I didn't know that she actually hated me I would have thought she looked sincere.

“Are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost.” Kelsey asked.

“I'm fine.” I tried to shrug it off as nothing.

“Okay, if you're sure. Hey, would you want to maybe go to my aunt’s cabin down by Wolf Creek? I told you about it before. It's super pretty and off to itself so we'd get some peace and quiet.”

My eyes widened with shock. When I was inside Kelsey’s mind that cabin was the place that she wanted to take me to kill me. This was the moment. I knew if I went to that cabin I wouldn't be coming back.

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