
Falling, aching, numb all over who am I ? The phrase never showed its colours to me anyway. There I go descending to my end the world around me suddenly feels quiet i lose memory of what existed in my mind previous, the anxiety stress and pain fall faint what felt like seconds felt like minutes calm weeping and sorrow there’s beauty in that I enjoyed it. My body hits the waters cold and gloomy for a moment bliss hits me I question if this is what I really wanted despair washes over me and suddenly I’m shocked and miserable hoping for someone anything to be a chance for survival the pain is distant and catching up the treading becomes weaker water flushes me and seconds later I receive my final call of peace as my body gives up which my mind has already I let go of the treading and sink down and down I’m filled with regret hoping for another chance but I know it’s all to far goneI lose conscious. I wish I could try again workout on more time be a brat more time be a bother one more time be an outcast lonely and crying one more time skate outside feeling lost and empty one more time but its futile. My eyes arise lights shine bright down on me is this the pergatory? Voices faint to the left of me crying? I can’t feel a thing or move at all but my vision clears and joy and hope fills my soul I’m

Alive?. I could tell i ended of in a hospital bed of some sort of operation room and I was being treated I was saved? I couldn’t believe it. I get a second chance at life I fall unconscious as exhaustion of shock catches up this time blissfully I’m alive. Woken up by a random person I never spoken to crying and happy I’m alive I beg why and how I’m alive and for a very long time and for the first time of my second life I feel love. He explains he found me washed up

At the beach bruised and washed up at the beach he burst crying he’s seen this face before the emptiness in my hands my face and body it was like his brother who committed before me but it was all to late for him and I was a lucky one lost abd unsure I feel love from a stranger my worries never felt real at this point I’ve received hope and I accepted it. I’m alive .

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