Submitted by Oddity

The Beauty of Being Asleep

Write a poem which could have this as its title.

The Beauty of Being Asleep

Once you put on those glasses, there’s no going back.

You feel the weight of the world, always on attack.

Your lenses swapped out, your vision more clear.

Seeing how this world is ran by fear.

I choose this route, I did indeed.

Knowledge is power, and that’s what I need.

But sometimes I envy those who are asleep.

They don’t feel the darkness, that’s trying to creep.

Yes, there world is an illusion, a complete façade.

The God of Trickery they follow…hmm quite odd.

They don’t carry this heavy weight on their shoulders.

They bury all the truth in their mind, in folders.

The ones awake, silently carry this painful burden.

A daily battle on the farm against the vermin.

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