Lottery Winner

After a failed election nearly 50 years ago, and a second civil war that lasted almost a decade, The United States of America is about to collapse. Not since the failure of the USSR has another nation state failed in such a way. But no one candidate received the required 270 electoral votes from the electoral college. For the first time ever there were viable candidates from three separate parties. So when a consensus could’t be achieved, and a peaceful transfer of power couldn’t happen, all hell broke loose. 2 years later a civil war broke out. The country was very divided. With the electricity failing and the internet becoming very difficult to receive, other countries started vowing to invade and bring America back to the glory it once knew. The only solution that everyone could agree on is to essentially take America back to a Monarchy. By crowning one winner of a random drawing. One person who would lead them all. Someone between the ages of 18-40, since most people in the country fell into that age category. They would need to pass a basic knowledge exam and have no felony convictions. But could it work? Could this one person rescue the country that many aspired to be?

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