Submitted by marlovely
Life in Your Hands
Write a poem or short story about if you were death and had to choose each day who must die.
Frog Days
Fog days do come and go
Sunlight strikes and like death it is gone
Unless you’re on the battlefield
The hot sticky death that capsizes bodies
Blood and guts trickling out seducing wild animals to celebrate in glee
All that is but the frog
Wetness gleams
Belching calls with bad breath stare blankly
Death must be a frog
Green like death
Slimy like death
Disinterested like death
And like death smell rot like peat bottoms
The frog looks out
Swamp moss and shadows protect
Men fighting a fight that others will fight again at another time again
Balls of iron drop from the sky
The frog notices their ingenuity had gotten better
He licks his mucusy lips
Frogs know not the difference in the death of man or the death of an old lady in her bed
Both bring flies
Thunder claps
Water falls from the sky
Darkness lies like a tight blanket
The last iron ball falls on two young boys
Frog belches loudly at the gods above
How will he now choose who will die
Fires light
In vengeance
Frog releases vampires on shallow skin
Buzz meets belch in death march
A plus means a pass from death until iron swings at days first light
O negative means feast delight
One by one a frogs visit meet until not but the guilty are left
Roll down green canvas do guilty men pull to throw on broken wagons and weary furry backs
limbs buried and bodies prayed over
Men leave and women enter to cry and move stones
Frog smacks in short term happiness filling the aching belly if only for a short time