Submitted by E. Wong

You are writing a story when suddenly you fall into it.

Based on what you know of the plot and characters, you have to work out how to get out of it!


I sit staring at my laptop screen, drumming my fingers on the desk and everything else within reach as I try to regain the will to write. Somehow my motivation always seems to slip away right when I need it most. I decide to do something crazy.

This novel stars a young woman who is, herself, writing a book. (Yes, it is very possible that I designed this woman after myself, but donā€™t worry about it; itā€™s none of your business).

But itā€™s not going anywhere. With the knowledge that I am condemning my entire species as a novelist: a writer is a rather boring thing to write about.

So I make changes. With a flick of my fingers my young woman gets sucked into the world she has created. Her computer swallows her whole and sheā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦..ERROR-

I open my eyes. For a moment I think I must have fallen asleep, and just when my mind was racing with all the possibilities! But then I take a moment to look around. I check the time on my laptop: 11:00 a.m..

_Thatā€™s not possible. _I sat down to write at 12:30. Unless I was about a million times more exhausted than I thought and slept a full thirteen hours, something is seriously wrong. I stare at my computer screen for a minute and then sit bold upright as panic courses through me.

My story is gone. All of it. I scroll frantically through my other documents and find them all empty as well. Iā€™m about to start screaming and throwing up when thereā€™s a knock at the door to my apartment. I have a strange sensation as Iā€™m walking through the room, like I canā€™t fully see everything.

Iā€™m aware of my surroundings but at the same time everything has this hazy sheen to it. And when I try to look at my couch thereā€™s an odd dark hole where itā€™s supposed to be. But the door. I go to answer it just as the intruder knocks again.

I have another strange sensation as I open the door and stare at this person. Itā€™s a man, and somehow I knew that it would be. I know Iā€™ve seen him somewhere before but I canā€™t place him. He smiles a perfect smile and says hello but somehow I knew he would and I feel like Iā€™m in a fever dream.

ā€œHiā€¦ā€ I say hesitantly, completely aware that Iā€™m staring at him like a psychopath analyzing a victim.

ā€œYouā€™re her,ā€ he says, and even though I knew he would say that too I donā€™t know what he means.


ā€œThe writer,ā€ and he laughs like heā€™s just told a funny joke. Haha. ā€œOr did you forget?ā€

ā€œNoā€¦ā€ I say slowly, ā€œI didnā€™t forget. But just so I know that _you_ didnā€™t, who am I exactly?ā€

Though undoubtedly a strange question, he doesnā€™t seem surprised in the slightest.

ā€œCassandra Elliot: the writer of our book,ā€ he explains helpfully, a pleasant smile on his too-pleasant face.

_Our_ book? Are there more than one of him?

ā€œWhat, are you a clone or something?ā€ It comes out before I can stop myself and Iā€™m less surprised than last time when he laughs again.

ā€œThatā€™s up to you,ā€ he answers mysteriously. ā€œWell Iā€™ll let you get back to work now. I just wanted to stop by and see if you were really here.ā€

And with a friendly wave my next door stalker is gone. I stand there with my hand on the doorframe for about three minutes before heading back in. The couch is still hazy. I ignore it and head back to my room, sitting on the edge of the bed to think.

And then itā€™s like a switch has been flipped and everything hits me at once. That was Dylan, the next door neighbor. Heā€™s thirty-four and he has a cat and two dogs and he drives a loud Camaro and plays pool every Thursday night with a group of friends.

But heā€™s not _my_ next door neighbor. Heā€™s my protagonistā€™s neighbor. _Cassandraā€™s_ neighbor. So that meansā€¦

I run to the living room again and look at the blobs of haze scattered here and there. Iā€™d never finished the description of Cassandraā€™s apartment. I hadnā€™t written in a couch or coffee table or tv set so theyā€™re not here.

And so I stand there in awe and trepidation of what Iā€™ve done. What Iā€™ve somehow managed to accomplish. Iā€™ve trapped myself inside my own book. But I didnt finish that book, so how do I escape? I wonder briefly if Dylan knows but then remember that he only knows what I planted in his mind.

An idea strikes me, and I return once more to my laptop. I sit down and my fingers hover over the keys. I type: ā€œ_suddenly the doorbell ringsā€¦ā€_and am rewarded by a chime on the air. What makes it a little spooky is the fact that I donā€™t actually _have_ a doorbell.

I try again, adrenaline pumping through my body.


_ ā€œOut of nowhere a mariachi band appears and begins to play a song Iā€™ve heard but canā€™t remember the name ofā€¦.ā€ _

Before I can even finish typing my ears are assaulted with sound: trumpets and accordions and guitars in a rousing melody of- what song _is_ that??

I quickly erase my last sentence and the band vanishes. Then I drop my hands to my lap and lean back in my chair.

This could either be super sick or the worst mistake of my lifeā€¦

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