Prompt submitted by Faust

After your family died, you adopted a cat to help you deal with your grief. You tell them all of your troubles and problems. One day, the cat talks back.

Using the prompt as inspiration write a story based on it

Pillow Talk

“I said, have you ever thought about therapy?”

I must have been hallucinating. Three years of owning Mr. Meowgly and not once had I had any problems. Seriously, he was a great cat. Even let me leash-walk him through the park some days. But where he really shone through was in the listening department. And now here I was, laying in my Ikea-furnished room, staring at my lovely Tabby boy and hearing it’s soft purring resembling words...or, were they actually words?

“You can stop staring at me now. I just want to help and you’re seeming awfully concerned.”

I just kept staring.

“Well, this was lovely chatting but I have a pole to scratch. If you need me you know where to find me.”

Maybe Mr. Meowgly had a point.
