Describe an idea slowly coming to a character, from just a thought to a fully formed concept.
The Big Risk
What if!
**What if I risk it all?**
**What if I risk it all?**
I mean it’s just a dream it could end in a disaster if it doesn’t work out. I want to risk it all to be an artist. I have the creativity it takes ,but others may see my art trash. We all know how the community is to aspiring artist. They will say,”oh your not good enough to be with the big leagues.” Or they will say,”you don’t have what it takes to be a famous artist.” But what if I just want to try no matter where it takes me.
**What if I risk it all?**
Imagine my work getting admired by others people wanting to be like me. Thats something I dream of doing aspiring others to go after there goals no matter the backlash they get. But, it’s not that simple, I have to get good at my craft before I can aspire others to join me. **All I know is that I have a dream and that dream is to be an amazing artist that inspires others!**