Write a story from the perspective of an immortal pet as it is passed down through a family's generations.

Forever Pet

I do age like normal dogs—that’s a common misconception. People think I just look the same throughout my life but that’s still not true. I do age; visibly and mentally. I do get white streaks crawling up my fur when it’s my time to go. When I do go, I never fully go. I am the forever pet.

When I’m in the void, I’m almost floating in an empty room that never ends. Then, as soon as new puppies are being born, I’m born again. The process repeats all over again without an end. Birth, death, and back all over again. I’ve been many different breeds too, but my favorite one had to be a German Shepard, it was just something about protecting people that I liked. Now I was one of the Yorkshire terriers. My previous owners didn’t like them. Every time I was on a walk they would be barking vigorously until we passed. As soon as I was born, every single Yorkshire was barking. It was like a repeated bark that just echoed throughout the room. I didn’t want to bark, but then my new mother nudged me, and all the barks that were contained in my mouth came flying out faster that in could think about it.

I always hated being born because I could barely hear and I was always blind, which made me feel like I was still dead, floating endlessly in the empty void. I knew I wasn’t though because I could feel the immense warmth of the other puppies reaching my body. 

I sometimes think about the generations I’ve been through. I’ve been through the times when every home looks antique and fancy, and now I’ve been through modern, more contemporary homes with flat roofs and grand pillars extending down the entryway like it was a castle. When I’m born I get a bunch of memories from my past lives all morphing and combining together to show a sort of video of all the generations I’ve been through. 

The thing is, I don’t know what has made me become a forever pet. My mother wasn’t forever, because I watched her die, and I’ve never seen her when I’m in the void. Sometimes I wish I could just be a normal dog, a normal, one life dog, without all the extra lives I have to deal with. 

I guess I’m just stuck forever, as a forever pet..
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