Submitted by Indigo
Write a scene that takes place in the snow.
The scene could be centered around the snow or just used as the setting.
Jenny rolled out of bed when her alarm went off. It was early November and it felt like there was too many days until Thanksgiving break. She stretched and turned off the alarm and turned on the news as was her habit each morning as she started her day.
“…record breaking storm.” The announcer finished saying. Jenny didn’t really register yet what it said as she yawned, pulled on her robe and slipped her feet into her slippers. Moving slowly, she went to get her first cup of coffee for the day. She loved that her coffee maker could be set up the night before and be waiting on her when she dragged herself into the kitchen. She poured her cup, added her creamer and took her first sip. The tv was still playing in the other room, some commercial for insurance. She took her cup to the door leading to her balcony and stepped out. It was cold, much colder than she had expected. It finally registered, there was snow everywhere. At least a foot of snow had fallen and the whole world was quiet at the moment. The cold and snow and the quiet filled Jenny with joy. She loved the snow. She suspected this meant a snow day.
Whirling around, Jenny was like a little kid again, listening intently to the tv while scrolling on her phone to her school districts website to see if they were closed for the day. If they were suppose to shift to E-Learning, there’d be a problem. She hadn’t brought anything home to do that with. She thought about the fun she was going to have if only - YES! Her school district was announced.
Jenny set down her coffee and rushed to her room. She pulled on the warmest clothes she could find and headed outside. She loved the snow, and the winter. She started her morning by building a snowman. By the time she finished kids from the apartment complex were flooding outside. She quickly organized fort building and a snowball fight ensued. The other team crushed hers, and their fort fell into a collapsed mess. I guess that’s what happens when twenty kids versus one teacher and two parents.
The snow continued falling all day. By evening, Jenny was rosy cheeked with the cold and looking forward to a roaring fire, hot cocoa and some dinner.
She hoped it kept snowing. One glorious day of snow just didn’t seem like enough.