Just Like You

“Momma, Momma! Look at the fish!” The little girl squeaked, reaching up to touch the glass.

“They’re beautiful, aren’t they?” The mother said.

“Yeah! Just like you!” Little Katie giggled.

“Aww, thanks! Do you know what else?” Said the mother, Mrs. Jones.

Katie thought for a moment. “What?” She asked curiously.

“They’re scaly and can swim really well! Just like me and you.” Mrs. Jones smiled to her daughter.

“Nuh uh,” Katie declared, “I’m not scaly!”

“Do you know why I brought you here?” Mrs. Jones questioned.

Again, Katie thought for a second. “Nope.”

Mrs. Jones takes her daughter aside and sits on a bench. “Katie, I brought you here because I need to tell you something. Me and you… Well, have you ever heard of mermaids?”

“Yeah! They swim in the ocean and wear seashells!” Katie exclaimed.

“Well, some do. I don’t, do I?” Mrs. Jones asked her daughter.

“That’s silly! Of course you don’t, you’re not a mermaid, momma!” Katie shouted.

“Shh!” Mrs. Jones hushed Katie. She picked up her daughter and took her home.

When they got home Mrs. Jones put on her swimsuit and gave her daughter hers. “Put this on and meet me by the pool.”

“But momma, I don’t know how to swim!” Seven year old Katie pointed out.

“Don’t worry, you’ll be a natural.” Mrs. Jones smiled.

After a few minutes Katie met her mother outside by the pool. It was a hot summer day and she wore her favorite pink swimsuit. Although she’d only ever used it to play in the sprinklers.

“Katie, get in the pool, don’t worry.” Mrs. Jones got in the pool and waited for her daughter. Katie carefully stepped in. “Now think about becoming a mermaid really hard!”

And at those words Katie thought really hard, confused on what was going on. Suddenly the water below her bubbled and sparkled and she could no longer feel her feet. Instead, she had a pink fishtail that matched her bathing suit.

“Wow! I-I’m a mermaid momma!” Katie shouted excitedly and began to flip her fins around. She lifted her tail out of the water and swished it around. “It’s so pretty!”

“Good job! When you’re ready, think about being a human again.” Mrs. Jones was beaming. Her daughter was a mermaid just like her, her mother, and every other female in her family. It was a joyous day for both Mrs. Jones and Katie.

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