
This book will explain how I used my 50/50 rule in building two plumbing service business and selling them to public companies. This rule can be utilized in almost any business or life experience.

Now a little about myself.

I was brought up in a wealthy family. My father owned a business and a lot of real estate.

Needless to say he liked his money more then his family.

One day my mother decided she wanted a boyfriend and divorce my father. Little did I know at the time my father blamed it on me. He thought I knew about the boyfriend.

He told me to leave the house and not come back. I guess what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. After living in the streets with no place to sleep or food to eat I became stronger.

I picked myself up and got a job as a night watchman in a peanut butter storage warehouse. There I was allowed to eat the peanut butter from broken glass jars. I guess I got use to a little glass with peanut butter.

For eight hours a night I would sit in the middle of a parking lot in an all glass structure. Every hour I would walk through the building with a clock and go to areas where there was a key I would place in the clock to activate a timer showing I was there.

There was about dozen areas like this throughout the plant.

One morning I woke up at 3am and had a epiphany.

I wanted to learn how to write lyrics.

My mother use to tell me the teachers in school said i didn’t do many things well except writing poetry.

I guess this always stayed with me.

The next evening I sat in the glass structure taking lyrics to existing songs and replacing them with my own. I did this every night for about six months.

I had become a lyricist.

Now become my first 50/50 decision. I can go to New York City and get a job in the music business where I can utilize my new found talent or I can stay where I am and be a night watchman for the rest of my life. I had nothing to loose so I took the gamble and hoped the odds were in my favor.

The next day I went job hunting. I had more doors close on me then a fuller brush salesman. Sorry I’m showing my age here. That was a company that had sales people sell their products door to door.

Since I couldn’t get a job in the music industry and afraid I would fall to the loosing side of my 50/50 rule I decided to offer my services for free to a music publishing company.

This is where I met Nicky Braddy the year was 1988 and he is still my best friend to this day.

Nicky was very talented and with my new found talent of writing lyrics we made a good team.

At the same time I discovered another new talent I had. I could get into record companies and make deals for the songs and singers we started to produce. Before I knew it we had a record called “Sure Shot” by Tracy Weber. It became a national dance hit. It was at the top of the Billboard Dance Charts.

After this came many more records and a fun career in the music business. We even had a #1 billboard dance record and met many cool music people. I could write a book just on my life in the music business so that’ll have to wait. I can definitely say my 50/50 rule worked in my favor in the music business.

I could have still been sitting in the glass box eating peanut from broken glass jars.


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