Clear and Present Danger

“Anxiety! Anxiety step down”

“But there is a clear and present danger, Ma’am”

“What?! What danger corporal?”

“I see clear evidence of the enemy, Ma’am. Laying traps, ma’am. Attempting to incapacitate, Ma’am.”

“Its a spiders web”

“Yes Ma’am”

“There isnt even a spider in it”

“But there could have been, Ma’am”

“And its, its way over there, we arent going anywhere near it”

“Evasive manouvers designed to confuse the enemy, Ma’am”

“Confuse, sure. Ok lets continue.”


“What now corporal?”

“Clear and present danger! We are under attack!”

“The barking dog? The barking dog on the lead? The barking chihuahua, on the lead, across the road, heading away from us?!”

“Run Away!!!”

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