Don’t Blink

June 15, 2121

My dearest Amaya,

I know this letter might seem strange to you, and for that I give you my sincerest apologies. You and the rest of my family must be worried sick. I can assure you I’m okay although we’ll never see each other again. See, I met a man… and don’t you go thinking I ran off and eloped with some stranger. No, it’s not like that at all. This man is extraordinary and he calls himself The Doctor. The circumstances under which we’ve met weren’t ideal but this man saved my life, even if for a second.

The last me and you spoke, I was on my way to a dig site to collect artifacts for my new exhibit. Apparently, that conversation we had might’ve been yesterday for you. It’s been a long 100 years for me. I found what I was looking for and more. Strange enough, I was the only one there. There should have been hundreds of archeologists there but nobody was in those caverns. I could have been famous; I discovered, well came across, these marvelous angel statues of gothic design. I was mesmerized by the detail and design of them. They stood about 6 feet tall with a braided queen hairpiece and long flowing dresses. They’re hands covered their eyes as if they were crying. I found myself staring for a while, before I heard a calm voice say, “Do not take your eyes of them.” Confused, I looked away for a second to see the stranger. My first mistake. When I looked back at the statues, the hands were no longer covering their eyes and they were in an attack position. They moved! Statues made of stone… had moved.

This time, I did what the man said and kept my eyes on them. Their cold blank eyes stared back at me. With their mouth slightly a gap, I could see sharp teeth, ha! I know this sounds absurd but Amaya, I kid you not. “Don’t even blink,” he said, “I’m going to get you out of there.” Weeping angels, their called, are predators with the ultimate defense mechanism. This Doctor explains that they feed on time and will send you to another time period if they catch you. They turn into these stone statues so long as they are being observed. So basically, keep your eyes on them and you live.

Like I said, this Doctor is an amazing, intelligent man. He’s not from around here. I don’t know what he did, but I was teleported somewhere else in the cavern. I couldn’t leave my savior to die. My second mistake. I found a communication device and kept changing the channel and frequency until I heard his calming voice.

“How can I help?” I had asked.

Ignoring me, he deflected, “What’s your name?”

I told him, of course, and he guided me to his time-traveling spaceship which is quite bigger on the inside. He promised he was going to get me home. At first I thought I was being pranked because I was led to an old 1950s British police box. My doubt was my third mistake. I spent way too much time inspecting the box when I should have been focusing on my survival. I had lost communication with the Doctor for a brief second and worry struck over me. The lights flickered as I inspected the mysterious box and in that same instant, one of those statues appeared. It was so close that I wanted to touch it; I was so tempted to but I knew I shouldn’t have. The communicator rang and I had made my final mistake by taking my eyes of the beast to answer it.

Next thing I know, I’m awake in some strange foreign hospital 100 years in the future. My love, I won’t bore you with the details but just know I am happy. The Doctor was able to find me because of, and I quote, “timey-wimey residue left on the communicator.” Unfortunately, he wouldn’t be able to bring me back to my own timeline because of reasons I cannot explain but he promised to deliver this letter to you.

Now I need you to make me a promise. Be strong. I know The Doctor said he’ll take care of it, but the Angels are still there. I need you to make sure no one travels there again. No one should be displaced in time like I was. Don’t worry, dear, I will see you again someday.

With Love,

Kristina Vega

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