
You step out the cab, pulling down your short black dress and running a hand through your perfectly curled blonde hair. You open your purse, take out a small mirror, and check that your makeup is in place. Perfect.

You step inside the simply furnished restaurant and look around. It seems your date hasn’t arrived yet. Oh well.

You take a seat at one of the round wooden tables and ask for a glass of water.

Sipping your water, you wait. And wait. After half an hour has passed and your date still hasn’t shown up, you start to get impatient.

You pull out your phone and text him. You see him read it, but he doesn’t respond. He left you on read!

You’re furious. Fine, you think, I’ll just enjoy a meal by myself. You order a burger, fries, chicken wings, and a chocolate milkshake.

Just then, the door of the restaurant bursts open and a man stumbles in. He places his hands on a table, straightens and glances over his shoulder. He must have seen something out there because suddenly his face goes pale.

He looks around and his eyes meet yours. The first thing you notice is that his eyes are two different colors. The left, a piercing green and the right, a warm brown.

Suddenly, he is coming towards you. You don’t know what to do. He pulls out the chair opposite you and sits down.

“I’m Adam,” he says reaching out a hand.

Still confused, you place your hand in his. “Katie.”

Adam smiles, warm and bright. “Katie, nice to meet you. Listen, I need you to pretend to be my fiancée.”

You shake your head. “Uh... what?”

“Just until my awful ex leaves me alone. I panicked and said I was engaged and she didn’t believe me. Please?”

You don’t know what it is about this man, but you want to help him. Maybe you just crave the excitement.

“Ok, fine.”

He gasps. “Really? Thank you. Thank you.”

The door bursts open.

Adam groans. “Here she comes.”

A tall brunette walks through the door. She is wearing a black blouse and mini skirt, her heels a bold red.

Adam stands up and goes over to her. You do the same. He taps her on the shoulder.

“Megan. This is my fiancée,” he says, pointing to you.

Megan turns around.

“Katie?” she says in disbelief.

You gasp. You would know that face anywhere.

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