Oh, To Be A Cat

“You know what would be really nice? To be a cat for the day. You know what I mean? You can spend all day sleeping in the sun, food and cuddles on demand, no cares in the world except what toy to play with and where to sleep next… What more could you want?”

And those were the last words I said before I discovered an interesting turn of events. Aforementioned events consisted of the discovery that I now had four tiny paws, long, delicate whiskers, and a long fluffy tail.

I stood up and stretched, arching my back. Ahh, that felt good.

I padded across the living room, looking up at the giant skyscrapers that made up the sofa, bookcase, and coffee table.

I reached the French doors that led to the garden and sat down in the warm sunlight streaming through the glass windowpanes.

Basking in the warmth, I pawed the carpet before laying down and rolling onto my back, fluffy stomach exposed.

Nothing to do… Fantastic. I guess I’ll just figure out what happened… later.

And there I slept. All day.

It was great.

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