Write a story that centres around playing a game.

Hate The Player And The Game

Like candy land, or snakes and ladders, boy meets girl’s rules are quite simple, and easily learned through playing a round or two

Like chess, opening moves are very important and strongly impact the rest of the game. The French defense, the two knights, the common friend the I saw you from across the room.

Like the first few rounds of poker, the first rounds of boy meets girl is learning about your opponent, their behaviors, tells, likes and hobbies.

If poker goes well it will likely begin to look a lot like twister, loosey goosey rules, and unavoidable physical contact.

Likely this will lead into game play much like Uno, fun when you started but getting boring. Maybe choosing the game was more fun, maybe you just thought the box was hot, and convinced yourself the game was fun. Maybe your done playing games and just wanna watch a movie instead. So you pack everything up, the cards, the dice, the chips, the board, the pencils, and the score sheet and put it back in its spot. It’ll be nice to have a break from playing that game. Of course until a week goes by, then it will seem as exciting as ever.

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