Your main character wakes up in an unknown place, tied up and gagged. Unfortunately, her kidnapper doesn't know she's highly trained, in control, and unafraid.
Introduce a powerful female lead who handles her misfortune like a badass.
Amelia woke up in a start. The last thing she remembered was walking home from work, it was late. A cloth flew around her mouth and she was thrown in a car.
Now, looking around, she spotted three key details. A dining fork laying on the floor about two feet away, a coil of rope, and a knife. Covered in blood.
A door swung open and a male entered. His hair was matted, he looked like he hadn’t slept in weeks, and he had blood on his hands. I realized he wasn’t coming to me, but to someone behind me. I tried to jerk around, but he shoved me back. He whispered something, and turned to me.
Peeling the tape from my lips, he smiled a colt grin, “Now darling, I ain’t gonna hurt yea- unless yea ain’t givin us da answer”
“ What are you talking about?” I said. He responded by raising a gun.
I broke my bond easily, like I’d done it before liking him twice, I tied him up and ran.