The Wraith Of Zero City

An old friend once told me that you either die a hero or you live long enough to become the villain and as those words ran through my head as the helicopters hummed up above me, I realized one thing — I should have died that hero.

Standing here, atop Masters Tower, the tallest skyscraper in Zero City, I wish I had died that day three years ago when everything changed. At least then I wouldn’t be in this situation. The kind of situation that has me haunted be my past, hunted by the authorities and keeping everyone I care about at arms length just to make sure that they are safe. And it all started that day three years ago. That day when I found out that there was shadow posing as the light, a darkness that fell over everyone, saying they were good and just, but behind the smiles and acts of heroism were the horrid deeds I never thought them capable of. And now here atop this world of concrete and glass, I am the villain for stopping them.

I hear them before I see them and a light washes over me, illuminating the persona I have chosen to take on. A once friendly voice shouts over a loud speaker, begging, pleading, beseeching me to stop and hand my self over to them. A smirk crosses over my lips. Though no one can see it through my mask, this simple smirk is a symbol of mockery and rebellion to what they stand for. They, who stood by while the former hero ran around doing unspeakable things to innocent people. They who adored that hero with awards and honours they were not worthy of. They who have turned their back on the me, the one person who still does right by the people, the one person who still does good no matter the cost, even if it means having to end a life.

The voice shouts at me again but it is nothing but a whisper as another voice takes over in my ear.

Time to work.

The door bursts behind me and I leap off the building. Try to follow me, I dare ya.

Training and inhuman senses take over as I fall, guiding and protecting me from the both the building and the wind around me. The ground approaches but I feel no fear. Maybe is should just let go and feel the sweet release of death. Another smirk. If only that was possible.

I extend my arms, a wing suit erupting, and begin flying through the air with astonishing speed.

As I fly over Zero City, despite its vibrant neons and constant noise, looks rather peaceful from way up here. My mind wanders again, thinking of that day three years ago. The day that everything changed. The day a hero fell. The day I killed my best friend for the greater good. The day I became the Wraith of Zero City.

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