A Drop Of Time
“Is it just me?” , said the powerful young man… “Am I the only one in this room that can levitate?”
Jenny shook herself straight up at the sound of a question that broke not only her consciousness but completely unlocked a chapter of her life that she had never revealed to anyone. She never thought, never imagined that she could find someone who would admit something as absurd as making water bend to her whim. The general public would never comprehend such an idea and would in fact, execute her for admitting something so silly and outlandish as if it were fact.
Could she even trust that this simple sentence was the truth? What would another person do if they found out about her abilities? ‘Even if they believed me, would they expose me to the rest of the world and endanger my very life?’
She hesitated, “No, it’s not safe now.” She thought. Her voice shook when she finally sputtered the words… “W-w-what do y-you mean? Levitate?”