Without describing exactly what you see, write a story, poem, or descriptive paragraph which conjures this image.


I walked down the dirt path, through all the trees. Listening to the snow crunch under my feet, Thoughts of all kinds running though my mind. I found myself lost in thought and lost in motion not being able to stop. As I look up I see a cave in front of me, ice hanging down with a small breeze coming from within. Do I go in? Or do I turn back and try to find my way? Suddenly I feel my body take over as I rush into the cave. Cold and damp with water dripping here and there, not able to see a thing. I pull my phone out and turn the flashlight on and continue to walk. As I look up I see the top of the cave moving , I slowed my walking down to a tip toe at this point trying not to make a sound. Not paying attention I kicked a rock into the wall making a loud echo I look up as the ceiling as it starts to churn, it stops moving as I let out a sigh of relief. I press on curious on where the breeze is coming from when I come to a cloud of fog. Wondering where it had come from I press on to find a hot spring, I strip down and slowly walk in to warm my chilling bones. I close my eyes taking in the moment letting my body get it’s feeling back. I notice as the light started to die down from the holes in the cave. I found what I could and start a small fire something to just keep me warm for the night. As I laid my head down to sleep on my arm I hear something stirring around above me. Afraid to look I cover my head with the jacket, I feel something brush past my arm hesitant I pull my jacket down and look up to see the bats swarming leaving the cave. As the last bat passes by I try to get some sleep, suddenly I hear small foot steps approaching. Slowly getting louder turning into a shuffle, finally stopping in front of me. I was hesitant to look up and see what was possibly looking down at me. I uncover my head to see nothing around me, I looked around for a minute not able to even see a thing since my fire went out. Out of no where I hear a small giggle as I jolt up I see a little girl sitting on a rock with a small beam of the moon light coming in. I look confused for knowing no one was even around but now there is someone here. “Who are you?” I asked. “Oh me? I’m Skylar I’ve been here awhile.” She replied. I looked amazed as to my name was Skylar as well. And we studied each other for a moment I found some more wood for my fire. “How did you get down here?” I finally muttered out to break the silence. “I’ve been here just as long as you have maybe longer I’m not sure. I’ve always been with you though.” She managed to reply. I sat in silence a little longer putting her words together. What could she possible have meant she was always with me? Could that really be me? Am I loosing my mind? I haven’t even been in this cave for that long or have I? I finally managed to mutter a couple words “with me? What do you mean?” I stared at the fire for awhile when she finally gave me an answer, “yeah you could say I’m the little voice in your head, or the subconscious you have never been able to see or figure out where it was coming from.” I continued to look at the fire studying it at this point not knowing what was going on. “Am I still alive?” I replied. Of course it was a stupid question but at this point it was the only logical one. “Of course silly, at least for now that is.” I whipped my head up as she disappeared. For now I yelled out as I stood to take off running back in the direction I had originally came from. As I neared the entrance I found that the rocks had fallen closing me in. This has to be what she was talking about how am I supposed to leave now? I trekked back towards the fire to find that it had gone out once again. I figure at this point I might as well go on. I find the wall and I start to walk forward thinking it was the best way. That was until I tripped and fell at least. I got back up continued on taking small steps, “where are you going?” Skylar asked. At this point I had no clue I was just trying to find something to help me. I looked up as the rocks thinking and hoping for a way out. I wondered for hours when I seen the light come back though the rocks again in the cave. I followed until the little beams for what seemed like years I can see the light I saw yesterday maybe that really was my way out since it disappeared when the sun went down. As the sun started coming through more I took off in a sprint towards the light. “I’d be careful if I was you.” Skylar chimed in “you don’t always want to run to the light never know what you might find.” As she shrugged. “You’re not going to give me an answer on what that light is are you? Or do you only know as much as I do?” I asked slowing down to a walk. “Only as much as you do for I live in your mind no where else.”she replied before disappearing once again. I shrugged it off and took off back down the cave not caring for what she said I knew this had to be a way out. As the light gets closer and closer to me, I noticed that everything didn’t look right not like the rest of the cave. I stopped to look around and I noticed a giant shadow, I slowly approached it and I saw the brown fur on its back. I slowly stepped away, “I told you to be careful how do you think your getting passed this one?” Skylar said giggling. I rolled my eyes and tried to think of something I could do to get passed the giant beast. I walked back and fourth and that’s when I realized he has left a small opening near the right side that I could possibly fit through. As I start making my way around the beast it starts to move I closed my eyes hoping for a miracle. I made it passed and took off running like a bat out of hell. “Close call?” She asked as I slowed down out of breath and energy. Very close I thought to myself I take a minute to regain my breath. I look up as I’m so close to the light and just start walking. As I make it to the light I notice something about it. It’s not sunlight or moon light, it’s dense fog. I put my arm through it and followed my touch as I made my way everything became dizzy and there was no longer light anymore. “Now you’ve done it, I told you to be carful and you didn’t listen.” Skylar said before I blacked out.

Back home the news aired a missing persons case, “Skylar Williams has been missing since May 21st, if you have any information on this young lady please call the tip line for the police. Family is offering a $3000 reward for the safe return of their daughter. She was last heard hiking out in the woods by lake high rise and has not been in contact with anyone since then.” They flashed her face all over as crowds started to roll in to help find Skylar. They took the woodland area in grids sending fifty people to one grid each. Finally a searcher found the cave as he peered in he saw the light at the end of the tunnel and called on the walkie talkie that he found a cave and was headed in. He took his flashlight out and started his venture in.

The end

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