Write a story about a plane journey, set in times when flights had just become commercially available.

You could choose to create an atmosphere of excitement, fear and trepidation, or anything else you can imagine early passengers would feel!


How? I ask myself.

How could such a thing really be truly real?

But sure enough I find myself lifting up,

My stomach gets this nauseating feeling like it’s doing the flip flop.

I’m certain I’m about to throw up, but then it settles.

I shake my head from side to side popping my ears.

Well…. I think to myself.

That was an experience.

Then suddenly my breath catches,

Outside my window is the most beautiful view I’ve ever seen.

The ground is made of clouds that look

so fluffy I’m tempted to jump out the window and sink into it,

And over it is a sunset unlike any other,

Pastel oranges fade into pastel pink which is followed by a hazy sun.

If this is what flying is.

Then it’s worth it.

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