“Every now and then, it seemed like she opened her mouth and two voices came out.”
Two Voices #2
Every now and then, when Detra (deh-truh) talks, it sound like there are two voices. One talking out loud, and the other, saying something else in my mind. Like one day, I met up with her, and she was saying how she liked my light blue shirt with a dolphin on it, and in my mind, I heard another voice saying, “Oh, that shirt looks so ugly! She should probably burn it.” Then I said I forgot I had a doctor’s appointment, and ran home. I sat down on my bed, and I thought for a while. That can’t be possible, unless.... no, that can’t be true. They were gone a long time ago. But there’s no other explanation. I think she’s a.....
Inspired by Two Voices. It’s on Daily Prompt.