Inspired by Breanna Lynn

A character who is suffering has to keep their composure in front of others.

Write a story involving this scenario. You don't have to reveal why the character is suffering, but try to think of a situation where they would have to conceal their feelings.

For Tomorrow’s Hope

I heard life wasn’t this chaotic a century ago. It wasn’t perfect, but it was better than the hell That Earth is now. In the year 2022, countries around the world started developing molecular enhancement drugs, or MEDs. Eventually, it went airborne and began an evolution. As a result, it wiped out half of the world’s population. Some bounded with the MEDs and became Molecularly Gifted or MGs. Humans whose DNA couldn’t be altered formed a religious group called the Order. They have developed a new drug called A-MEDs. The “A” stands for “Anti,” which destroys the altered genes in our body, killing us painfully within hours.

There are three major factions of MGs. The Elementals who can control one of the four elements. The Physiques who have altered physical abilities. And the Mentalists, housing a range of mental powers. Different names correlate with your power; for example, I’m a Speedster. I can run miles within minutes.

“I think we lost them!” I shout, trying to get everyone’s attention.

I watch as the group begins to slow its pace down. We all talk amongst ourselves, recounting our survival and accomplishments. Axel, our leader, watches me closely. I can feel myself mentally pleading with him before he turns to face Raven.

“Can you be a lookout?” Axel questions, clenching his jaw to keep his composure.

“Sure thing, Boss,” Raven shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly as he bends his knees and pushes off the ground, disappearing into the sky.

“Hey, Luna,” I murmur, she quickly grabs my hand and leans in, “Marco and Riley are pretty banged up and I know we just freed you from prison but-“

“I can heal them,” Luna interrupts with determination, “luckily, that power takes the least amount of energy from me.”

“Thanks, babe,” I sigh out as she kisses me on the cheek and walks towards our injured members.

I walk over to Axel, who is sitting on a fallen log in the forest we have escaped into. Without asking, I sit next to him.

“I don’t understand,” he whispers, “is she worth it?”

“Are you questioning out of jealously or from a leader’s perspective?” I counter. I can feel him tense up beside me. “It seems that I can read your mind better than you can read mine.”

“And you aren’t even a Mentalist like me,” he scoffs. “Both,” Axel admits after a few moments of silence.

“I know that we have a complicated past,” I acknowledge, “but I love her. You, out of everyone here, should be aware of that.”

“I am,” he proclaims.

“Axel, she could end this war. There has never been someone who possesses powers from all three factions.” I protest as he nods slightly. “Even the Order doesn’t want to kill her because of her powers. Isn’t it better that we show her what the future could be instead of the Order weaponizing her? “ I conclude as he turns to face me.

“Not when it’s going to ki-“

“It could have been anyone.” I interrupt, knowing he’s read my mind and my resolve.

Raven comes flying down, landing with elegance. Despite the angelic landing, everyone notices the sweat on his brow and his nervous composure. We all gather around him, even Marco and Riley, who Luna has healed up quickly.

“They have sent the Royal Guards,” Raven informs, “they are a few miles away.”

“Damn,” I hiss, “we aren’t in a position to fight their elite soldiers. Axel you should take everyone to the hideout past the valley. I will stay and distract them.”

“Scott, no!” Luna yells.

“He’s a Speedster. He will catch up to us in no time.” Axel voices, but we both know he is lying.

“Luna,” I whisper, “everything that I did was to save you. You are the hope that we need if we are going to survive.” I prevaricate as I bring her into a quick, passionate kiss. “Now go!” I yell, watching the only family I have known run towards safety.

“I’ll protect her,” Axel voices lowly. “I swear on our history.”

He disappears with the rest of the group as I grunt, trying to lean myself against a nearby tree. I lift my shirt and glance at the blue veins that look like spiderwebs inside my skin—the sign of A-MEDs destroying my body from the inside out. I might be a Speedster, but it seems like not even I could outrun death, but at least it’s for a noble cause.

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