Describe a city that is built entirely on water.

Consider how the city's location on water would affect the architecture, the transportation, and the daily life of the people living there. You could base this on a real place or create a new world!

Water is the Source of Life

For centuries the people of this city have caught fish from the sea, eaten it for their dinner.

For centuries they’ve sailed its roads, passed by neighbours with their oars in hand.

They drank from the heart of their city, and used it to boil their broth.

Used the weeds below to sew their clothes.

They don’t just live on the water, the water lives in them.

But when water is your life source, it leaves you vulnerable to very beings that created it. With just one bad storm their city could be washed away. The fact they’ve survived as long as they have is a feat in itself. Now their city no longer sits atop the water, it sits beneath it, and the people? They’ve found a new way to thrive.

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