It Lurks


The teacher yelled helplessly as the students ran out of the room. His voice was drowned out over the sound of 30 pairs of feet pushing past each other.

There had never been a drill like this before. The teacher lightly jogged to catch up to his students. But it was no use. Most of them were long gone. Screaming and panicked whispers drifted past him as Mr. Simeon contemplated on what to do.

He bit his lip in anticipation and decided to start walking up stream. Most of the students had cleared out anyways.

He walked a good ways until he was certain he was alone. The only sound his raspy breath and the now quieting sounds of the schools alarm.

Something bubbled in Mr. Simeon’s chest. Fear? Confidence?

He decided on the latter as he pushed the heavy mahogany door open. A small grunt made his lips part as his shoulder heaved the door open.

It was dark in the room. Too dark. He considered waiting for his eyes to adjust before moving forward. But his thoughts were interrupted by a voice across the room.

“Step forward ranking number 13.”

Mr. Simeon gulped.

‘So much for that.” He thought. He cautiously stepped forward.

“Sir, I heard the announcement and I…”

“ENOUGH!” The voice silenced him. “

You know why your here yes?”

“Of course sir I..-“

“Then you will not utter a word in my presence.” Mr. Simeon nodded. It was best not to question the way of those above him.

“Now if you are done interrupting me boy I will speak of your mission.” Mr. Simeon’s eyes began to adjust. The only thing he saw was eyes that seemed to glow across the room. They reminded him of a blood moon..

“It’s lurking the school grounds. Near the East Wing. I trust that all the students have gotten out safe. You may carry on your mission.” Mr. Simeon gulped grabbing the dagger in his pocket. He turned to leave. Well it’s not or never…

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