We All Live One Life

Interlinked in a mesh -

human souls -

human flesh -

Experiences shared -

never new -

always fresh -

Each and every one of us, all live one life.


Attention ensnared

an existance of strife.

For when the bell tolls

afterlife is for dice.

But what makes us human?

If not the struggles we share?

The memories made,

and the friendships we tear?

I know its not pretty

but theres no one to pitty,

when we all share the weight

at that word bearing gate.

“Abandon all hope

ye who enter here!”

A right set of words

guaranteed to strike fear.

When what tells us apart

is an emotional heart.

And what makes us the same

holds the very same blame.

Then a judgement is made,

and the judgement is this:

That the whole human race

must be weighed in one fist.

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